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Case Study


・All Employee proactively participated Kaizen (shop floor, entire factory, and company)

主な出来事 エピソード

17: 1978-81: We were able to make a presentation at a national conference on advanced use of PCs in business (at the Osaka Teijin Hall) that we were targeting the reduction of administrative work related to information on production to zero and to releasing our staff from the work they had been doing to work on Kaizen in the factory

We gathered all of the staff in the factory and asked them what their true work was, and what kind of work brings out the true value of a human being...

18: 1979-81: Tickle System, Spiral Up

The computer automatically sent a message saying, "The countermeasures last time did not solve the problem. You need to come up with a real solution."

28: 1984-85: Everyday, all the Operators Challenged Kaizen (Development of a Work Environment Where People Feel Their Lives Are Worth Living) - I
IPS (Isuzu Production System) Kaizen Model Line Registration of No. 4 Factory ( 6R Crank Shaft Machining Line)

Among all the manufacturing factories, all the indexes at that factory were at the bottom level. Eventually, I was told to take action...

35: 1988-89: Kaizen Activities in Thailand in Which All Employees Participated;
Isuzu IEMT (Isuzu Engine Manufacturing company in Thailand)Productivity and Production Volume Increased 4-Fold Through Kaizen in Which All Employees Participated

I replied with a smile, "You can fully handle the increasing production in the future with the current headcount in one shift. After a few years, you will look back and laugh at your thoughts, thinking how silly it was to have considered two shifts at that time." A young employee of Mitsubishi Corporation overheard me, and said, "Can you really do such an amazing thing? I can't believe it ...

37: December 1992:Transferred to CR (Cost Reduction) Promotion of Development Div. 1992-94: Kaizen Campaign Spearheaded by Development for the Entire Isuzu Group Including Partner Companies

Through the Kaizen activities that I had done so far, I realized that Kaizen work done only by Manufacturing had its limits, and that it was necessary to carry out company-wide Kaizen at the upstream departments of Product Development and Product Design. Right at that time...

16: 1979-83: Real Time Management and Time Based Management That Do Not Tolerate for Errors

Even if 10 minutes pass and the cell does not start, the responsible section manager dashes to the site, and if 30 minutes pass and the cell does not start, the plant director dashes to the site...

29: April 1986: Goodbye, Tsurumi Manufacturing Plant(engine manufacturing plant in Japan)

Please send me away from Isuzu to work for the owner company of an Isuzu partner company that has the same objectives as I do, and ...