17: 1978-81: We were able to make a presentation at a national conference on advanced use of PCs in business (at the Osaka Teijin Hall) that we were targeting the reduction of administrative work related to information on production to zero and to releasing our staff from the work they had been doing to work on Kaizen in the factory
28: 1984-85: Everyday, all the Operators Challenged Kaizen (Development of a Work Environment Where People Feel Their Lives Are Worth Living) - I
IPS (Isuzu Production System) Kaizen Model Line Registration of No. 4 Factory ( 6R Crank Shaft Machining Line)
35: 1988-89: Kaizen Activities in Thailand in Which All Employees Participated;
Isuzu IEMT (Isuzu Engine Manufacturing company in Thailand)Productivity and Production Volume Increased 4-Fold Through Kaizen in Which All Employees Participated
37: December 1992:Transferred to CR (Cost Reduction) Promotion of Development Div. 1992-94: Kaizen Campaign Spearheaded by Development for the Entire Isuzu Group Including Partner Companies