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Case Study


・ Kaizen by one-piece-flow production and standard work

主な出来事 エピソード

13: 1976-81: Plant with one-piece-flow (one-piece-at-a-time) production fully developed.
1978: We announced our challenge to establish one-piece-flow production at the All Japan IE Association Conference (at Sankei Hall in Tokyo).
Appeared in IE Magazine (The Challenge of One-piece-flow Production.)

One worker said it was fun to create one-piece-flow production, but he didn't enjoy working there very much. I thought about it deeply and realized that it was inhumane to make workers keep on doing repetitive tasks without thinking...

14: 1978: Through the Kaizen activities, which we invited other companies to attend, I realized that what was common sense at Tsurumi (Engine Manufacturing Plant in Japan) was uncommon in the rest of the world. A person naturally tries his best when being watched by many people from other companies.

I learned two things here. I also realized that Kaizen continues forever...

33: 1986-90: We Received a TPM Special Award after Kaizen Training Was Provided to Shatai-kougyou (Isuzu Number One Subsidiary in Japan), the Concept of One-Piece (One-Set) Supply to Assembly line with Water Spider (Material Handler) Was Created, and Simple Automated Mechanism Was Put in Place

Both the Plant General Director and MN (waste elimination )Promotion Office Director told me that they wanted to start with supplying 4 or 5 pieces/sets together, but I wouldn't stray from my insistence on one piece/one set. Why do you want so much to stick to the idea of one piece...

11: 1974:An example of the irresponsibility at Isuzu organization, measures to resolve problems in the start-up and measures to improve operational availability rate of the transfer machines for new large V-type diesel engine connecting rod machining- U

Since the company had grown dependent on the machine manufacturers, it could not come up with any ideas for improvement. Consequently, they always ended up asking me "Doi-San, can you help us find a way to do something about this situation?"

15: 1977-82: Build-in Quality in the Process

Quality checks must be done at a 100% level. If you send a defective product on to the next process, the equipment at the next process and at your own process will not run. If you just forget the quality check...

16: 1979-83: Real Time Management and Time Based Management That Do Not Tolerate for Errors

Even if 10 minutes pass and the cell does not start, the responsible section manager dashes to the site, and if 30 minutes pass and the cell does not start, the plant director dashes to the site...