Kaizen by one-piece-flow production and standard work
13: 1976-81: Plant with one-piece-flow (one-piece-at-a-time) production fully developed.
1978: We announced our challenge to establish one-piece-flow production at the All Japan IE Association Conference (at Sankei Hall in Tokyo).
Appeared in IE Magazine (The Challenge of One-piece-flow Production.)
14: 1978: Through the Kaizen activities, which we invited other companies to attend, I realized that what was common sense at Tsurumi (Engine Manufacturing Plant in Japan) was uncommon in the rest of the world. A person naturally tries his best when being watched by many people from other companies.
33: 1986-90: We Received a TPM Special Award after Kaizen Training Was Provided to Shatai-kougyou (Isuzu Number One Subsidiary in Japan), the Concept of One-Piece (One-Set) Supply to Assembly line with Water Spider (Material Handler) Was Created, and Simple Automated Mechanism Was Put in Place
11: 1974:An example of the irresponsibility at Isuzu organization, measures to resolve problems in the start-up and measures to improve operational availability rate of the transfer machines for new large V-type diesel engine connecting rod machining- U